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Showing posts from August, 2016

Rainy Season

In Bangladesh the second season of the year is the rainy season. It comes after the summer and lasts for the Bengali monthsof Ashar and Sravan. Rains is the main source of water. We have rain during monsoon.  It is the seasonal wind.  It blows in from the Bay of Bengal. It carries water vapour and causes rainfall.  During the rainy season, the sky often remains cloudy and every now and then  It rains heavily. Sometimes the sun remains hidden behind the cloud for days together and rain falls in torrents. Tanks, wells, rivers, and pools that dry up in summer  are filled up again. Rivers overflow their banks and the fields appear to be a vast sea. People in villages cannotgo from one place to another without  boats. The rainy season is a blessing to our country. The farmer till their land and sow seeds. It helps the growth of the trees, plants and crops.  With the rains plants put forth new leaves, flowers, bloom and give their sweet smell. Paddy a...

Female education

Female education is very essential for the overall development of a nation.  About fifty percent of the total population of our  country are female. A country cannot expect her prosperity avoidingthe large part of population. But most of the women are lagging far behind in education. The rate of female literacy is about 20 percent. This rate of female literacy is alarming. Women need to be educated for different reason. To be a conscious citizen of the country, to be an active member of the family and society, to be a good mother or wife and to lead a self-reliant better life, a woman should be educated property.  Besides, educated women have higher income potential those who have had no schooling. An educated women is concious about her duties, rights and responsibilities. Moreover, every woman is a potential mother.  Education of child greatly depends upon it's mother.  An educated mother would be able to bring up her child properly. In conclusion, we can stay...

Village life and city life

Though man is living now both in villages and cities, there are some differences between the two ways of life.  The development of the country depends both on the development of the cities and villages.  If the cities produced something,  the villages supply them  with the raw materials.  In the cities,  life is busy competitive and people live in polluted environment. But the environment of the villages is very fresh and hygienic.  Modern facilities are available in cities,  whereas most of the villagers are bereft of modern facilities.  Proper medical treatment and higher educational institutions are available in cities.  In the cities, people lead a very artificial life in the big buildings. But in the villages, one can lead a simple life in the lap of nature. So village life and city life have many points of difference. If you face any problem or if you have any question please comment here.

Changing Role of Women

Woman can play a vital role in her family as well as in the society and their role is changing gradually. They are no more only mother and dependent on men. Woman are getting educated. They are becoming conscious about their rights and privileges. They are now working in almost all the sectors of national development competing with men equally.  They are providing their worth competing with men. They have started earning and contributing to the family income and at the same time they are exercising an influence on family affairs. Woman are serving the nation by being teachers, doctors, engineers, reporters, magistrates, intellectuals, political leaders, social workers, nurses, garments workers, pilots, and what not.  This changing attitude of Women will contribute to the development of the country to a great extent. If you face any problem or if you have any question please comment here.

Good Manners

Good manners are the external expression of onr's inner goodness and education. It is a person's positive way of behaving to words other. A person is judged by his manners. Good manners enriched the personality of an individual. A well mannered person is liked by most of our people and can prosper in life.  Good manners enhance his value and make him a worthy human being.  A good mannered man is polite and courteous. He respects the views and opinions of others although they differ from his own. He listens politely to what other have to say. He neither uses harass words to others nor does anything that may offend others.  An ill mannered man is rude and rough. He has not respect for the feelings of others.  He shows bad manners in various ways.  A man of unpublished manners is not liked by anyone. Everyone hates him. Good manners make life pleasant, smooth and easy.  Good manners do not cost anything but they gain for us love and respect. If...

Usefulness of E-mail

E-mail or Electronic mail is one of the many modern devices of communication of textual message via electronic means.A personal computer, a modern and a telephone connection are needed for Email. This is not only a quick, easy and relatively cheap way to keep in touch with family and friends. It has also become an essential tool of business. Email has many advantages usefulness. Firstly, it reduces the use of paper in offices and business concerns. Internal memos and reports can be exchanged electronically without using paper. Sevondly, being a personal communication. Email turns out to be a cheaper alternative to telephone. With the help of email the world is in our hand . Maintaining communication with every one is so easy now. It works like Aladin's magic lamp. If you face any problem or if you have any question please comment here.

Mental thoughts 1

•Once upon a time, there was a student who passed his class but dont know anything about any books. •A man ran away. By asking he replied that he was found of Sir Jantleman and it was a dog . •No sooner had the teacher came to classroom, the students run away. •If I were a king !!!!                       ~    Then??                                                                        ~  Who are you to ask me ????? If you face any problem or if you have any question please comment here.

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