In Bangladesh the second season of the year is the rainy season. It comes after the summer and lasts for the Bengali monthsof Ashar and Sravan. Rains is the main source of water. We have rain during monsoon. It is the seasonal wind. It blows in from the Bay of Bengal. It carries water vapour and causes rainfall. During the rainy season, the sky often remains cloudy and every now and then It rains heavily. Sometimes the sun remains hidden behind the cloud for days together and rain falls in torrents. Tanks, wells, rivers, and pools that dry up in summer are filled up again. Rivers overflow their banks and the fields appear to be a vast sea. People in villages cannotgo from one place to another without boats. The rainy season is a blessing to our country. The farmer till their land and sow seeds. It helps the growth of the trees, plants and crops. With the rains plants put forth new leaves, flowers, bloom and give their sweet smell. Paddy a...
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