Clash of clans is a war based online game published by The Supercell.
This game is now more addictable game for the games lover generation. It is a game what's makes war between two clans. The gamer has various kinds of warrior in this game. They took place in the war and dedicate their life.
This game has a base of the player's. It called The Village. The 50 or less number of villages makes a Clan. The gamer gets a town hall and small elixer collector's and small gold collector's. The gamer achive a warrior called Barbarian and its playground. Then he needs to attack another players and earn money. Then he updated and upgrade his village with wall, weapons etc.
You can attack an offline gamers village and loot his gold and elixer. Then you can upgrade your village and your townhall.
If you wants to download the latest version of this game simply Click this link.
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