Download Kabil Kohkafi is a fiction written by the greatest Bengali writer Md. Jafor Ikbal. It is a novel about the kid and the ages person. A genie came in the stage in time. The story is about a ginie called Kabil Kohkafi. He was captive on a bottol. A girl makes free him. A girl called Tushi has nobody but an old grandfather. Tushis parents were killed by an accident when she was small. Her old grandfather was about to dead for oddness. So he wants to sublet her on a real family. But Tushi doesn't like this. The novel has some special character. A teacher called Rehana. Here the teacher makes some experiments. But the experiments shows mythical result. Kabil Kohkafi eas behind this . Some robber also beated by them. Kabil gives a surprise them by make some illogical things. The grandmother beat the rober Dobir and other's. This book is about happyness and sadness also. If you wants to download this book's pdf ...
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